Are there no fighters left here anymore?
Are we the generation we've been waiting for?
Or are we patiently burning, waiting to be saved?
Our heroes, our icons have mellowed with age.
Following rules that they once disobeyed.
They're now being led when they used to lead the way
Do you still believe in all the things that you stood by before?
(That you stood by before.)
Are you out there on the front lines, or at home keeping score?
Do you care to be the layer of the bricks that seal your fate?
(Bricks that seal your fate.)
Or would you rather be the architect of what we might create?
They laid out the blueprints,
They poured down a base
Concrete solutions to slow our decay.
But when they are gone
Who the fuck's gonna take their place?
Yeah, will it be the cynic, the critics galore?
Cliche apathetic, passed out on the floor.
The trusting complicit who collectively ignore.
Do you still believe in all the things that you stood by before?
(That you stood by before.)
Are you out there on the front lines, or at home keeping score?
Do you care to be the layer of the bricks that seal your fate?
(Bricks that seal your fate.)
Or would you rather be the architect of what we might create?
Don't you remember when you were young,
And you wanted to set the world on fire?
Somewhere deep down, I know you do.
And don't you remember when we were young,
And we wanted to set the world on fire?
'Cause I still am, and I still do.
Make no mistake,
We are not afraid
To bear the burden of repeating
What they're thinking anyway.
Let's raise the stakes
On the bet we made.
Let's decide to be the architects,
The masters of our fate.
Yeah, we still believe in all the things that we stood by before.
(That we stood by before.)
and after everything we've seen here, maybe even more.
I know we're not the only ones and we were not the first.
(We were not the first.)
And unapologetically we'll stand behind each word.
Zar ovdje više nema boraca?
Jesmo li mi generacija koju smo čekali?
Ili strpljivo gorimo, čekajući da budemo spašeni?
Naši junaci, naše ikone su s godinama sazrele
Sada slijede pravila koja nekada nisu poštovali
Sada njih vode, a prije su oni vodili druge
Vjeruješ li i dalje u sve za što si se borio?
(Za što si se borio)
Jesi li u prednjim redovima ili zadržavaš rezultat kod kuće?
Želiš li biti sloj cigli kojima ti pečate sudbinu?
(Kojima ti pečate sudbinu)
Ili bi radije bio kreator onoga što bismo mogli stvoriti?
Izložili su nacrte
Izlili su temelj
Betonirali rješenja da nam uspore raspad
Ali kad nestanu
Tko će ih zamijeniti, jebote?
Hoće li to biti netko ciničan, s obiljem kritika?
Otrcano apatičan, onesviješten na podu
Povjerljivi sudionik kojega masovno ignoriraju
Vjeruješ li i dalje u sve za što si se borio?
(Za što si se borio)
Jesi li u prednjim redovima ili zadržavaš rezultat kod kuće?
Želiš li biti sloj cigli kojima ti pečate sudbinu?
(Kojima ti pečate sudbinu)
Ili bi radije bio kreator onoga što bismo mogli stvoriti?
Zar se ne sjećaš kad si bio mlad
I kad si želio zapaliti svijet
Ngdje duboko u sebi, znam da želiš i dalje
Zar se ne sjećaš kad smo bili mladi
I kad smo željeli zapaliti svijet?
Jer ja još uvijek jesam i još uvijek želim
Nemoj raditi pogreške
Ne bojimo se
Suočiti s teretom ponavljanja
Onoga što oni misle
Podignimo uloge
Na našoj okladi
Budimo kreatori
Kovači svoje sudbine
Da, još uvijek vjerujemo u sve za što smo se prije borili
(Za što smo se prije borili)
I nakon svega što smo vidjeli, možda čak i više
Znamo da nismo jedini i da nismo prvi
(Ne, nismo prvi)
I bez isprike ćemo stajati iza svake riječi
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