These words are for those who died
These words are for those who left behind
These words are for you Poland
And these ones for my homeland
For the spirit of our fathers
For the glory of our sons
For the power of the spector
For the holy alliance
Let stones crack
Let the earth quake
Let tempest roar
Let stones crack
Let the earth quake
Let freedom rise
These words are for lovers
These words are for their heartbeats
These words are for warriors
And these ones for all communists
Out of the fear of darkness
Away from the nameless one
We stand alone in history
Facing east in sacrifice
Let stones crack
Let the earth quake
Let tempest roar
Let stones crack
Let the earth quake
Let freedom rise
Ove riječi su za one koji su umrli
Ove riječi su za one ostavljene
Ove riječi su za tebe Poljska
A ove za moju domovinu
Za duh naših očeva
Za slavu naših sinova
Za moć našeg spektra
Za sveti savez
Neka kamenje puca
Neka zemlja se trese
Neka oluja grmi
Neka kamenje puca
Neka zemlja se trese
Nek' se sloboda uzvisi
Ove riječi su za ljubavnike
Ove riječi su za otkucaje njihovih srca
Ove riječi su za ratnike
A ove za sve komuniste
Izvan straha od tame
Daleko od bezimenog
Stojimo sami u povijesti
Suočavajući se s istokom u žrtvi (?)
Neka kamenje puca
Neka zemlja se trese
Neka oluja grmi
Neka kamenje puca
Neka zemlja se trese
Nek' se sloboda uzvisi
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