nedjelja, 30. listopada 2011.

Beyoncé - Flaws And All

{Verse 1}
I'm a train wreck in the moring...
I'm a bitch in the afternoon...
Every now and then without warning...
I can be really mean toward you...
I'm puzzzle yes indeed...
Every complex and every way...
And all the pieces aren't even in the box...
And yet...
You see the picture clear as day...

I don't know why you love me...
And that's why I love you...
You catch me when I fall...
Accept me flaws and all...
And that's why I love you...

And that's why I love you...
And that's why I love...ohh

{Verse 2}
I neglect you when I'm working...
When I need attention I tend to nag...
I'm a host of imperfections...
And you see past all that...
I'm a peasent by some standards
But in your eyes I'm a queen...
You see potential in all my flaws...
And thats exactly what I mean...

I don't know why you love me...
And that's why I love you...
You catch me when I fall...
Accept me flaws and all...
And that's why I love you...

And that's why I love you...
And that's why I

I don't know why you love me...
And that's why I love you...
You catch me when I fall...
Accept me flaws and all...
And that's why I love you...

And that's why I love you...
And that's why I
And that's why I love you...
And that's why I

Mane i sve

Ujutru izgledam ocajno,
Popodne se ponasam kao kucka...
Kat kad bez upozorenja,
umem da budem bezobrazna prema tebi..
Svakako jesam jedna slagalica..
Svaki kompleks i svaki nacin..
A cak ni svi delovi nisu u kutiji,
i ipak
ti vidis celu sliku jasno kao dan..

Ne znam zasto me volis..
I zato te volim...
Uhvatis me kada padnem..
Prihvatas me, mane i sve...
I zato te volim..

I zato te volim...
I zato te volim.. ohh

Zapostavljam tek kada radimm..
Kada mi je potrebna paznja, imam obicaj da zanovetam..
Domacica sam svih nesavrsenosti...
A ipak ti prelazis preko svega toga..
Po nekim standardima sam "seljanka"...
Ali u tvojim ocima sam kraljica..
Vidis potencijal u svim mojim manama...
I bas na to mislim..


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